I’m not your typical therapist…

I believe that in order to live authentically, we actually do need to address the pain of the past.

I believe helping people move toward the life they want is a more effective change strategy than focusing on healing old wounds.

I don’t think it’s true that people are broken and need to be fixed. And I love how IFS Therapy sees people as inherently creative, resourceful, and whole. That is also true.


Contradictory to the thinking of my traditional Therapy training, I believe reframing our perspective on the ways we are stuck does not transform the forces holding us back. It’s a band-aid solution.

This is why for me, Internal Family Systems Therapy is the most powerful framework to actually inspire and sustain transformation. We’re not side-stepping the parts of us that may feel fearful, angry, resistant, or unworthy.

When we give all parts of us the love, care, and attention they need to trust that we have their best interests at heart in everything we do, they often transform from our fiercest inner critics into our most encouraging cheerleaders.

IFS therapy not only addresses the ways we are wounded but encourages us to learn from them so that we can lead truly authentic lives.

Who I work with…

We might be a good fit for each other if…

  • You want your life to be meaningful, honest, and aligned with who you really are.

  • You are at a crossroads and faced with big life choices that feel like they have significant consequences.

  • You don’t want to rush into action, and yet you feel a strong call from your life waiting for you on the other side of this crossroads.

  • You are tired of all the questions and want answers. But, part of you knows that you might not be even asking the right questions, yet.

  • Maybe you’ve tried therapy and it helped for a little bit but then you slipped into the same patterns or it didn’t focus enough on your dreams and goals.

  • You’re ready to make a significant time, financial, and energetic investment for the liberation you know that you deserve.

Together, we might explore:

  • Why you are here and what you are meant to do

  • Setting and upholding healthy boundaries

  • Understanding the chatter in your head that makes you feel incompetent, lost, fearful, not good enough, or undeserving of love (from others and yourself)

  • Knowing the strengths and gifts you feel most strongly about sharing

  • Choosing work that feels energizing, authentic, and financially rewarding

  • Communicating your feelings and needs

  • Increasing compassion for self and others

  • Building nurturing and sustainable relationships with partners and friends 

  • Deciding if your current relationship is a good fit for joy and lasting love

  • Living child-free or bringing a child into your life

What is an IFS therapist?

What does IFS bring to Therapy?

Most therapy is focused on changing the things you don’t like in your life. People seek out therapy to have someone help them get clear on what they want and take action toward that.

IFS posits that once you go to the root of what is holding you back, understand and appreciate the positive intent of all your parts, you will naturally take authentic action in alignment with your deepest truths.

I’ve seen in others and witnessed in my Self—time and time again—that this is true.

What is the time and cost commitment?

Our first 30-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit is complimentary.

My rate is $240 for a 60-minute individual therapy session and $300 for a 75-minute

relationship therapy session (intimate partners, family members, friends).

I have a limited number of reduced fee openings, so please reach out if this is necessary.

So, before you make a BIG decision that a part of you knows isn’t aligned…

grab a warm cookie I just baked and let’s sit by this fire.

Let’s listen for what your life wants you to become.